How disable leds inside FINGERPRINT SENSOR ?

I have a FINGERPRINT SENSOR shield: Fingerprint sensor : ID 751 : $49.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
In working with him inside him 2 bright flash leds permanent.
Prompt, whether they can be disabled by software, not disassemble him my "FINGERPRINT SENSOR" physically?

Looks like that uses a custom uC. So probably not, even if you could find which processor it uses i doubt the firmware is available for it if it can be reflashed as that rather defeats the point of a secure fingerprint reader...

Im sorry but i think your only option is to open up and either remove or cut the traces to the LED... Preferably the latter as you can resolder the trace to get the LED back if you want to...

Hi arduooo, did you ever get it to work? Mind sharing how?
