How do i calculate how may Amps a 144 RGB WS2812B LED strip uses

Hi im doing a project and i need to know how many amps a 144 RGB WS2812B LED strip uses so i know

the power supply i need.

0.06A/RGB LED when all 3 colors are on full x 144 = 8.64A

Get a 10A supply. Plan to connect power to the strip at both ends, and in the middle, or maybe even at the 1/3 points.

144 x 60mA = 8,6A. Be sure to not only power that strip from a single end. Best to have a cable (like 2,5mm2[/s]) parallel and connect it once every so leds.

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You need to post a link to the vendor where you purchased it.
This is the specs page for the Adafruit version:
144 LED strip

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