How do I code a Rotary Encoder?

How do I code a rotary encoder to change the value of a variable in a code?


if (distance>[value])


Console.WriteLine("Distance is greater than [value]");


[value] is the value the rotary encoder is supposed to change.

Which rotary encoder do you have? Please post a link to its spec's.

Type "encoder" in the search box of library manager, control-shift-I in the IDE; there are a few hits.

One of them is installed as part of the IDE install I think, and has examples in File / Examples.

Maybe one or other of them will be what you need; I think the installed one is for standard type quadrature encoders.

To be of real help, we need to know which encoder that you have. Otherwise we waste a lot of time with guessing games. Not all encoders are the same.

A photo of your encoder would help or a link to where you got it.

Read the forum guidelines to see what kind of information that helps us to help you.

A schematic, not a frizzy picture as how you have wired it will help. Also following groundFungus request will help us help you. Posting links to technical information on all the hardware items helps.

I use this model is one of the 1.8 million pages that come up with a search for "arduino rotary encoder". is another.

The Encoder library will help with reading an encoder. It takes care of debounce.

I have been to those websites before, but how do i take the input of the rotary encoder and use it to change the value of a variable in the code?

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