How do I drive a 7" tft lcd from portable dvd player.

I'm trying to turn a 7" TFT LCD from a dynex portable dvd player into a small computer monitor. I've found the power leads for the backlite, but I need to rig some sort of display driver for it.

Any Ideas for useing my "duemilanove" as a driver board for low res. images/Video? or is it not powerful enough to do this?

Has anyone here tried to do this before? If so please share what you've learn.

I can email you the picture upon request. I don't know how to post photos on the forum yet.

The best place to start is with the TVOut library: Arduino Playground - TVout
This lets you generate low res black and white composite video.

Part of your question is about discovering a composite input on the monitor part. If you have a scope or a known good composite monitor, I suggest playing some video on the DVD player and fishing around for leads that have a composite video on them. Once you find candidate connections, try feeding a composite signal in at that point. I've seen tutorials on this sort of thing around -- you are not the first to try to scrounge an LCD monitor out of one of these DVD players.
Personally I have hacked an automotive reversing camera for the same purpose: colour monitor « Projects

Gardner>> Thanx I'll try that.