I have a problem trying to set the pins of the Arduino Mega 2560 so I can program the address pins & the data pins for setting the frequency of the DDS that I'm programming. It uses a 48 bit data space to store the number. First I have to convert it to binary (hence the 48 bit binary number) so I can individually set the pins to be stored in the data bits of each Data byte. So far I have this
void setFTW1( int Frequency1) {
byte addresses [] = {0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09};
int FTW1 = (Frequency * power (2, 48)) / 300000000;
foreach ( address in addresses ) {
setData(data); <===== this is the problem
FTW1 is the frequency Tuning Word and it needs to be in binary format.
This is C++ code for my library when I get done.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
That's was quick, I got an error message from some one that I had to correct but could not see how to do that.
The pins are 23 - 33 for addresses and 24 - 38 for the data. But they are connected with a 36 pin connector to the DDS so it is a ribbon cable. Some of the other pins on the connector will be for other type of inputs and outputs.
I like the long long suggestion as well. I sort of would like to keep it all together in the software. I have a function in excel that I've been trying to reproduce as well but it needed the long long that you suggested.
blh64 ,
Your right of course I'm 90% C# and having to do things in C++ is a challenge again.
Not sure how I'm going to get this into my code. This is what I'm looking for:
dec bin
83726188455589 10011000010011000000101101110001010011010100101
This code works correctly, so just use mask and shift to output 8 bits at a time.
Note: Serial.print() doesn't seem to understand long long.
void setup() {
long long x = 83726188455589LL;
long y = x/65536LL; //top 32 of 48 bits.
Serial.println(y); //prints 1277560248
y = x>>16;
Serial.println(y); //ditto
void loop() {}
With terrible waste of memory, you can store binary constants as a character string. The lowest order bit of the string is x[strlen(x)] and so on. Put the string in PROGMEM to save RAM, of course.
OK, I'm looking at this code which does not run as expected.
long long x;
int result;
void setup() {
void loop() {
x = 83726188455589LL;
for (int n = 48; n <= 0; n--)
result = bitRead(x, n);
This code only prints out the last Serial.println; repeatedly.
When I use the prints in the for loop nothing prints out, with the exception of the println outside the for loop.
long long x;
int result;
void setup() {
x = 83726188455589LL;
for (int n = 0; n<48; n++)
result = bitRead(x, 47-n);
Serial.print(result); //010011000010011000000101101110001010011010100101
void loop() {}
It is correct; but, it is not logical. The logical approach is what the OP has attempted (with a little bit of errors).
for (int n = 47; n>=0 ; n--)
In English Language, we read/write from left to right; so, the OP wants to read the 47th bit (in binary count sequence) first and then display it. Therefore, the for() loop should logically begin with n=47 and not n=0?
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