I’m working on a gps logger and I would like that it saves KML files. The problem with all the examples that I see, is that they append lines to the end of the file each gps update. But I want to insert lines at a specific point. Is this possible without completely rewrite the whole file?
For example, A kml file would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
<description>Examples of paths. Note that the tessellate tag is by default
set to 0. If you want to create tessellated lines, they must be authored
(or edited) directly in KML.</description>
<Style id="yellowLineGreenPoly">
<name>Absolute Extruded</name>
<description>Transparent green wall with yellow outlines</description>
<coordinates> -112.2550785337791,36.07954952145647,2357
Now I want to insert new coordinates line before “”
Is this possible using the seek function? Just file.seek(filesize – bytes used for till
Followed by: file.println(new cordinates)?
In this case I trust that the last part is a fixed part of bytes. But what if I don’t know how many bytes there are after . Is there some kind of string search function in the SD library? And if so, will it be fast enough to do this a couple of times a minute?