How do I make a custom Widget in EVE Screen Designer 3...........

Hi Sorry this is my first post on these forums but Im struggling with this program... Im having to use it in virtual box as im on a mac, and it runs very slowly. I dont know if this is also how it runs on a native PC....

Anyway my problem. Im trying to create a custom graphical widget, a gauge with a needle. Both gauge and needle are alpha'ed bitmaps, I could make them on the main page and program the angle controls in code. But I much rather have the widget a self contained gauge that I can manipulate around the main screen.

Also I want to add a fade effect, Ive seen you can alpha fade the built in widgets, but I cant seem to find any utility to do that to custom widgets.

The main problem I have is, while I can add bitmap widgets to the custom widget, i cant see them in the viewer/simulator nor can i manipulate them in any way. Ive been looking at the tutorial videos for screen designer but there is no mention of how to do anything like this. Is it even possible?

Also am i using the correct program? Should i use version 2?

My setup is FT810, on a custom board, and will be controlled by a ST32F103 / stmduino core...

I was under the impression I could get the HAL code out of the designer and incorporate it into my main program.

The other unknown entity is how the eve gets the assets off the SD card. I could do with some one explaining this is better detail...

Sorry for this slightly jumbled up post. But any help would be appreciated.

Well sadly no one could answer that...
I managed to make my Widgets, though without the alpha channel working yet...

Well another question. In Eve Screen Designer 3. How do i add a custom font? I cant seem to find any way to do it.

Ive tried using the font conversion utility they have but importing the generated png file just gives me an imported image. I set the cell height and still nothing can be picked.

I could really do with some ones help here...

Hi visit this link the documentation Spanish for screen based FTDI chip.

Tools Assets convert for library GDx on my github.

Hi lightcalamar, its nutsy from stm32...
While gdx is an option, my issue is its all code based. And my interface is a bit too complex for me to build without a wysiwyg editor...

Apart from the obvious bugs, Screen Designer 3 is nearly there. Its node editor system is rather smart. I just dont get why they left out custom font importing and force people to some how work out how to do it in code. when the documentation isnt clear on how to do it.