I want to manually program the V4 smart car so that I can implement the line following and object avoiding programs into a single code. Is this possible?
Possible only if you have the original source code for the car.
I do have it. It came with the kit.
Then, of course, it is possible it incorporate line following code into that program.
When I am attempting to compile the code for SmartRobotCarV4.0_v1_20220303 I am getting the error “ApplicationFunctionSet_xxx0.h : No such File or directory.” How do i fix this problem ?
I am guessing that you need to find the file.
In general, libraries should be installed in a specific location. In the IDE, file -> preferences, sketchbook location. It will be something like C:\Users\yourUsername\Documents\Arduino. The libraries directory will be in there.
The exception is if library files are included in your sketch using double quotes; in that case they can be in the same directory as e.g. the ino file (the sketch directory) or in the src subdirectory of that. This might be the case for you.
If you show your sketch (properly formatted and posted using code tags, see How to get the best out of this forum), we might be able to advise further if needed.
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