Hi guys, I would like to make my attiny 1604 to sleep for 10 minutes, I tried to modify the sketch found on: https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/blob/master/megaavr/extras/PowerSave.md:
#include <avr/sleep.h>
void RTC_init(void)
/* Initialize RTC: */
while (RTC.STATUS > 0)
; /* Wait for all register to be synchronized */
RTC.CLKSEL = RTC_CLKSEL_INT32K_gc; /* 32.768kHz Internal Ultra-Low-Power Oscillator (OSCULP32K) */
RTC.PITINTCTRL = RTC_PI_bm; /* PIT Interrupt: enabled */
RTC.PITCTRLA = RTC_PERIOD_CYC16384_gc /* RTC Clock Cycles 16384, resulting in 32.768kHz/16384 = 2Hz */
| RTC_PITEN_bm; /* Enable PIT counter: enabled */
RTC.PITINTFLAGS = RTC_PI_bm; /* Clear interrupt flag by writing '1' (required) */
void setup() {
RTC_init(); /* Initialize the RTC timer */
pinMode(7, OUTPUT); /* Configure pin#7 as an output */
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); /* Set sleep mode to POWER DOWN mode */
sleep_enable(); /* Enable sleep mode, but not going to sleep yet */
void loop() {
sleep_cpu(); /* Sleep the device and wait for an interrupt to continue */
digitalWrite(7, CHANGE); /* Device woke up and toggle LED on pin#7 */
by changing RTC_PERIOD_CYC16384 to a bigger number, but I cannot use something bigger than 32768.
I also tried to use cycles for repeating sleep_cpu(); but they don't work.