How do I put an attiny1604 to sleep?

Hi guys, I would like to make my attiny 1604 to sleep for 10 minutes, I tried to modify the sketch found on:

#include <avr/sleep.h>

void RTC_init(void)
  /* Initialize RTC: */
  while (RTC.STATUS > 0)
    ;                                   /* Wait for all register to be synchronized */
  RTC.CLKSEL = RTC_CLKSEL_INT32K_gc;    /* 32.768kHz Internal Ultra-Low-Power Oscillator (OSCULP32K) */
  RTC.PITINTCTRL = RTC_PI_bm;           /* PIT Interrupt: enabled */
  RTC.PITCTRLA = RTC_PERIOD_CYC16384_gc /* RTC Clock Cycles 16384, resulting in 32.768kHz/16384 = 2Hz */
  | RTC_PITEN_bm;                       /* Enable PIT counter: enabled */

  RTC.PITINTFLAGS = RTC_PI_bm;          /* Clear interrupt flag by writing '1' (required) */

void setup() {
  RTC_init();                           /* Initialize the RTC timer */
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);                   /* Configure pin#7 as an output */
  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);  /* Set sleep mode to POWER DOWN mode */
  sleep_enable();                       /* Enable sleep mode, but not going to sleep yet */

void loop() {
  sleep_cpu();                          /* Sleep the device and wait for an interrupt to continue */
  digitalWrite(7, CHANGE);              /* Device woke up and toggle LED on pin#7 */

by changing RTC_PERIOD_CYC16384 to a bigger number, but I cannot use something bigger than 32768.
I also tried to use cycles for repeating sleep_cpu(); but they don't work.

This should work.

for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < TIME_IS_UP ; ++i )

This should work.

for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < TIME_IS_UP ; ++i )


I don't get how it works, could you explain it better please?

You want to sleep the mcu for 10 minutes and the timer only allows you to sleep for 1 second at a time. You will need to repeatedly sleep, wake up and go back to sleep 600 times. You can do this by having the for statement loop 600 times.

void loop()

  uint16_t SecondsToSleep = 600;

  for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < SecondsToSleep ; ++i )

  digitalWrite(7, CHANGE); 

} // loop

You can test the concept by setting SecondsToSleep to a smaller number. So that the change in the interval is easier to observe.

You want to sleep the mcu for 10 minutes and the timer only allows you to sleep for 1 second at a time. You will need to repeatedly sleep, wake up and go back to sleep 600 times. You can do this by having the for statement loop 600 times.

void loop()


uint16_t SecondsToSleep = 600;

for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < SecondsToSleep ; ++i )

digitalWrite(7, CHANGE);

} // loop

You can test the concept by setting SecondsToSleep to a smaller number. So that the change in the interval is easier to observe.

Thank you very much, I will test it tomorrow.