How do i read a bluetooth keyboard with Arduino?

Hello, i seem unable to find a way to read a bluetooth keyboard from my Arduino. It seems such a natural thing to do, yet with Google i couldn't find a single example or even a hint about how to do that.

Does anyone have a solution? Is there a shield or even a raw-chip i could use to interface with a bluetooth keyboard and use it as input for my project?

Thank you.

P.S.: Please note that i want to read an existing bluetooth keyboard, not emulate a bluetooth keyboard.

How do you use the bluetooth keyboard now? Typically, the keyboard communicates with a USB dongle. How do you plan to connect the dongle to the Arduino?

Hello, usually bluetooth keyboards do not have a USB dongle since all recent notebooks/smartphones come with bluetooth chips preinstalled (i think you are referring to wireless keyboards, not bluetooth ones, they work with a proprietary protocol not via bluetooth).

So what i would like to know is which chip or shield should i use to be able to communicate with such keyboard? Are there examples somewhere online? I couldn't find anything useful :frowning: