How do i send data to with GSM shield

I'm new to arduino and
I'm trying to make a gps tracker and I would like to send GPS data to
how do i do that with a gsm shield (Duinopeak SIM808 GPRS/GSM+GPS+Bluetooth all in one Shield)

New versions of Traccar Client use this protocol to report GPS data to the server side.

OsmAnd Live Tracking web address format:{0}&lon={1}&timestamp={2}&hdop={3}&altitude={4}&speed={5}

** – server address or domain name (e.g., it can be your server public IP address)
**123456 – your device unique identifier (e.g., IMEI number)

I tried to modify the web client example sketch that came with the library ( is for sale | HugeDomains) but have no clue how to get it working.
So any pointers or ideas are much appreciated.

Hi do you resolve this trouble?