How do I solve the problem of a small buffer size when reading files and saving?

 while (file.available()) {
      uint8_t buffer[4096];
      int bytesRead =, 4096);
      client.write(buffer, bytesRead);

An error occurs with a large buffer. Are there other ways? I need a speed of at least 1 Mbyte/s? Other libraries? ESP32 - 4MB.

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Make the buffer smaller and read the data into it and out of it in smaller chunks until all of the data has been read and written ?

is that an SD based file or reading from flash ?
what's the client? just a WiFiClient instance ?

the GitHub - me-no-dev/AsyncTCP: Async TCP Library for ESP32 is faster than WiFiClient but not a drop in replacement

may be check also fast WiFi file download · Issue #4529 · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub

I have a file: conditionally weighs 500 kilobytes. But does this procedure take 2 minutes? This is not normal. Do I need it in a split second

SPIFFS Internal storage. Yes right. It turns out that the wi-fi speed is limited by the time for these two operations. 500 kilobytes 2 minutes transmits. It's very slow

yeah great performance is not guaranteed...

sometimes smaller buffer has better performance. the flash can write data sent while wifi receives the next packet

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