Totally new here and i had a look in the forum but i didnt find what i was looking for, so i said to create a post. This is more to request for heap and guidance.
So what i want to do is to create a Remote controlled Focuser for my Telescope. Thinking high-level this will require to :
Design and building the materials, housings, attactments to the telescope
Decide what Adruino board to use,
Find out what additional hardware i should use, motors etc
Write the code,
Test and attached the device on the telescope.
So how do i start this? How i have to think, how i have to design, how i know what electronics i will nes, what i need to learn in order to execute this project of my own?
Are the any suggestions from people that executed successfully their own projects?
First You need to address the mechanical unterface I suppose will be needed.
I suggest You get a geared DC motor and a H bridge using MOSFET technology.
Any Arduino would do.
A pair of end stops, micro switches will be needed too.
To learn to write code start with the examples in the IDE, on this forum and elsewhere on the internet. When I was learning C I found this website very helpful: C Tutorial
There's also a lot you can learn by reading through the questions and answers on this forum. Many people before you have had the same questions you will have and there are answers here to those questions, sometimes many times over.
When i was starting out with arduino, I replaced the circuit board in a dryer and had it run for a number of months. I had to deal with a bunch of timing issues, which for the arduino isn't such a pretty situation. Then you have to deal with the fact that the arduino only does one thing at a time, and there are ways of multitasking. Basically, when you start out, plan on not writing code but debugging code. Also, if you don't know electronics then there could be bombs in the way you wire stuff, the most important of all is that everything has to share a common ground! And the other problem with arduino is the interface, some older boards require special mouse clicks in the IDE, so don't buy random stuff off amazon, but stick with the official boards. Learn the ways in which the boards will fry! The most important thing is that you start small, add one functionality at a time and test it.
For your project you cant beat a 3D printer. Get straight to a anycubic vyper and all that you will have to do is press buttons. Get an entry level device and plan on crawling through fire. I grabbed a big book on autocad, and i did everything from front to back, and went straight to fusion 360. Autocad uses layers, while fusion 360 is a history/timeline based CAD. Basically with fusion 360 you can make great boxes and enclosers easily, but when your starting out it looks daunting.