How do I use rotary encoder as dial with positions


I want to use a 20 position rotary encoder as a sort of menu by having each position select something and then pressing the button built into the encoder to select it. I am new to this concept and would appreciate advice on how to have each position do something and make sure that there are only 20 options, not more. If I have overlooked something, I apologize. I am a noob at this.

Thanks in advance.


Look at a rotary encoder as a pair of buttons that, when pushed, increment or decrement a variable whose value varies between 0 and 19 (or 1 and 20).

Ok, I was hoping for code, but thanks for the concept. How would I do this in code?

From list of "useful links":
Includes code as well.

Thanks for that, but is there something simpler that is more suited to my project

Thanks for that, but is there something simpler that is more suited to my project

Looks like that is eminently suited for your project. You need to know which way the encoder is turning and when each step is encountered and when you stop turning, you need to know that it at the current position for some period of time before recognizing this step is where you want to wait for a switch pressing.

This is NOT a rotary switch, as you well know.


#include <Bounce2.h>

 Reads the 2 switches in an encoder, 
 determines direction,
 updates counter.
 No interrupts.
 Switches debounced, didn't test first, just did it anyway.

const byte ENCODER_PINA= 2;
const byte LED_PINA= 12;
const byte ENCODER_PINB= 3;
const byte LED_PINB= 11;

int valueA; //debounced encoder switch reads
int valueB;

bool motionDetected = false;
int grossCounter = 0; // total steps
int nettCounter = 0;  // cw-ccw
int fullRevolutions = 0;
int surplusSteps = 0; //part revs
bool CW;

byte cyclesPerRev =20;  //check encoder datasheet

// Instantiate 2 Bounce object
Bounce debouncerA = Bounce(); 
Bounce debouncerB = Bounce(); 

// setup ********************************************
void setup() {
  // Setup the buttons

  // After setting up the button, setup debouncer

  //Setup the LED
  Serial.println("Setup done");

// loop *****************************************
void loop() {

  // Update the debouncers

  // Read the encoder switches

  // Update LEDs and serial print A, a, B, b

  //determine direction and update counter


} //loop

// my functions **************************************************
void doDebounce()
} //doDebounce

void doEncoderRead()
  valueA =;
  valueB =;
} //doEncoderRead

void updateLEDs()

  if ( valueA == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PINA, HIGH );

  else {
    digitalWrite(LED_PINA, LOW );

  if ( valueB == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(LED_PINB, HIGH );
  else {
    digitalWrite(LED_PINB, LOW );

} //updateLEDs

void updateCounter()

  the possibilites are:
   AB: in a detent
   if just arrived, update counter, clear motiondetected
   otherwise do nothing
   Ab: start of CW or end of CCW
   if start, set CW bool and set motionDetected
   if at end (know becasue motionDetected already set), do nothing
   aB: start of CCW or end of CW
   if start, clear CW bool and set motionDetected
   if at end (know becasue motionDetected already set), do nothing
   ab: in middle of either CW or CCW, do nothing

  if (valueA && valueB && motionDetected ) //in a detent and just arrived
    if (CW)
      grossCounter= grossCounter + 1;
      nettCounter= nettCounter + 1;
  if (nettCounter > 19)
  nettCounter = 19;
    else //CCW
      grossCounter= grossCounter + 1;
      nettCounter= nettCounter - 1;
  if (nettCounter < 0)
  nettCounter = 0;
    motionDetected = false;
    Serial.print("grossCounter: ");
    Serial.print("nettCounter: ");
    fullRevolutions = nettCounter / cyclesPerRev; 
    surplusSteps = nettCounter % cyclesPerRev;
    Serial.print("Nett position: ");
    Serial.print(" + ");
    Serial.println(" ");


  if (valueA && !valueB && !motionDetected ) // just started CW
    CW= true;


  if (!valueA && valueB && !motionDetected )  //just started CCW
    CW= false;

} //updateCounter

It really does not get much simpler than this.
I copied the code from the link.
I changed it for your case (nettCounter stays between 0 and 19).

This is an advanced project for a self described "noob".

First, follow the tutorials that come with Arduino and learn how to read buttons, time events, blink an LED without using delay, etc.