I setup a NonBeacon (w/ Coordinator) network with three xBee Serial 1 modules. One is configured as coordinator. The left two are configured as end devices. The firmware version and configuration are as below.
Modem: XBEE Function Set Version
XB24 XB24 802.15.4 10CD
Parameter Value Comments
CH (Channel) 0x0F Identical
ID (PAN ID) 0x5241 Identical
DH 0x0
DL 0x0
MY (Source Address) 0xFF01 Unique
CE (Coordinator Enable) 1
A2 (Coordinator Association) 0x04 allow end devices to associate to it.
End device
Parameter Value Comments
CH (Channel) 0x0F Identical
ID (PAN ID) 0x5241 Identical
DH 0x0
DL 0x0
MY (Source Address) 0xFF02 Unique
CE (Coordinator Enable) 0
A1 (End Device Association) 0x04 allow associate to coordinator.
When end device 1 sends out the data, the coordinator can receive the data, but the end device 2 can't. I want the end device 2 can receive data from end device 1 in this network. My current solution is let the coordinator broadcasts the data, so the end device 2 can receive it. I'm not sure if this is good solution to revolve the communication issue among end devices. Is there any other solution?