Store, data, 100years, Memory, ROM, Endurance, Data Retention, Reliability, Lifetime, Flash, High temperature
Hi guys
I'm working on a research project in wich we want embeed sensors and logic, an ESP32, inside building's pillar surrended by concrete.
The esp32 collect data throught sensors, process them and send it to a sink using Bluetooth
- The device then can be never removed or replaced once is deployed (is in the concrete pillar)
- The device is externally powered by a electrical source (cables) then power is not a constraint.
- The data communication between sensors are made using Bluetooth. We have tested that we can transmit data from inside concrete to an exteranl sink that could be a phone.
- The device do not needs to store (write on memory) datas, the devices just reads process and sends enviromental datas. The deive can use READ ONLY MEMORY ROM to store the code no data store is needed.
Since the device CANNOT be removed my concern is to provide to the project a LONG LIFE EXPENTANCY (more then 100-200years), in particular I'm concerned about the fact that the data in Flash Memory could disappear after few years (10y) due to limitated Lifetime of flash memory in particular at relativly high temperature. If the data will disapper even the code stored in the flash disapper too and the sensor will fail to achieve the its job.
** Question(s) **
- There are kinds of memories (flash on not flash), even ROM (read only memory) that are suitable to store code/data (informations) for LONG (100-200years) time without fail with a size of 4MB or more?
- If yes where i can find them, i mean where i can buy? Wich producer ecc..?
- How i can integrate these memories in the ESP32? Can i replace them to replace the flash? Is it possible to do that?
- How i can program such memories? I mean how can i "flash" these kind of memory?[/list]
I thought that i can use a PROM: form wikipedia, "A typical PROM comes with all bits reading as "1". Burning a fuse bit during programming causes the bit to be read as "0" by "blowing" the fuses, which is an irreversible process." but i can't figure out where i can start.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TO READ MORE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Despite the forum user irony I found that companies pay attention to the problem of data retention.
In the above documents is shown that at 25°c flash memory can have a data retention >100y
The document listed above states "In the data sheets of MSP430 devices, data retention is specified to exceed 100 years at 25°C (see Table 1). This value is industry accepted and all vendors specify 100 years as the flash data retention duration at 25°C, despite it being extremely conservative. "
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MY COMMENTS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I'm very annoyed form the fact that i received about 20 repies and none of that were focused to try to solve the problem or improve the described solution. Seems that none has read entierly my post and users started to give me unuseful and annoyng replies such "user graffiti or punched board or even paper" others tried to subvert the problem breaking the conditions (conditions are like axioms in a theorem) other tried to state that humans won't be able to survive in 200y. No serious or well argumented replies was given.
I see that many ppl misunderstood the goal that is "how to store executable code (that is a subclass of data) for long time" and confused with "how to store informations for long time" because these ppl did not read my post.