Is a good idea to connect a DRV8833 which controls 2 gear motors , 3 SG90 servo motors and nRF24L01 2.4GHZ WIRELESS TRANSCEIVER MODULE with Arduino UNO? Or it would be better to use another Arduino to control servos?
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It is not the connection of the driver board to the Uno that matters, rather it is how the motors and servos are powered. Do not power them from the Uno, use an external power supply
I don't see any problem with that.
Powering the components will be the biggest issue.
You will need an external supplies for the servos and the motors.
I suggest a power adapter for the NRF24. The Uno 3.3V may not have enough current capability for the radio even with an added capacitor.
If you are worried about having enough pins, remember that the analog inputs are really digital inputs with analog input as a special function. So, not counting the serial pins, there are 18 digital IO pins available.
I tried to connect DRV8833 directly to the battery as in the pic but the LED from DRV does not light up. So do I have to connect DRV to Arduino or what else could I do?
Show us the simple sketch you are using to test your wiring.
Seems like it should work…
Can you post some photos that clearly show your wiring?
I second the request for the test code. Please read the forum guidelines to see how to properly post code and some information on making a good post.
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This is how I connected all the components. The problem is that connecting the drv8833 in this way the LED from drv8833 does not light up.
Are you really using that style of 9V battery in your project ?
I also connected it to my laptop and it still doesn't work
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