How many people have moved over to as a result of the reddit "2 day go dark protest"?

On the 12th of June, 2023, many reddit forums (including r/Arduino) have "gone dark" in protest to reddit's plan to impose arguably very high charges to use the API. There are some exceptions such as low volumes of access (< 100 calls per minute) and some academic and some administration functions.

The result is of this is that some well loved third party Apps have elected to shutdown permanently. It is also fair to say that the plan has reopened and rubbed salt into some old unhealed wounds that have been outstanding for some time in the form of unfulfilled promises for platform improvements. Consequently, this plan (to introduce API charges) has given rise to quite a bit of a "revolt".

Some of the forums will "turn the lights back on" after 2 days. Others have claimed they will remain "dark" permanently. Some of these forums have 10's of millions of subscribers. FWIW, r/Arduino will turn the lights back on after the 48 hour "go dark" period has expired.

As in any dispute, people have differing feelings and will take differing actions. So my question is:

  1. How many people already used both platforms and will continue to do so?

  2. How many people already used both platforms but won't return to reddit?

  3. How many people only or mostly used reddit and will expand their horizons to include (i.e. plan to us both and reddit when it comes back online in 2 days time)?

  4. How many people are wondering WTF is reddit (and/or don't current use reddit and have no plans to start any time soon)?

No need to be embarrassed - I was definitely in group #4 about 18 months ago :slight_smile:, but probably now will be in group #3 (despite have a account for over 2 years now).

Disclosure - I am one of the moderators over at r/Arduino, and while maybe slightly asking in that capacity, I am genuinely interested in people's thoughts outside the current turmoil in the reddit forums.

User v205 has created a poll in the comments Here to make it easier to tabulate the voting. Thanks @v205

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Use both, but much more.
Reddit has too much fluff that gets thrown your way, when all you want to do is look at Arduino stuff only. But still not happy about reddit trying to jack up prices for their APIs so much.
I'm in group 1, but leaning more towards 2.

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Group 4
Here's a poll, it will make this easier.

  • Group #1
  • Group#2
  • Group#3
  • Group #4

0 voters

Thanks i guess i didnt look hard enough for the "create poll" option :slight_smile:

When i get home tomorrow i will try to add it to my post.

In group #4.
I always get lost when someone links to a reddit topic. I see one message about the topic and then so many garbage, that I click away within 5 seconds. Never can find a discussion thread there.


Don't start a new poll - It will be confusing having two running.

Just give a mention/link to v205's poll.

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Good point....

... done.

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