How many servos can I attach?

I use an arduino derivative with an Atmega 8, Im quite sure it is somewhat similar to the single-sided serial board. So lets assume it has the same characteristics.

While reading some of the basics for the arduino I was interested in servo motor interface
[Knob tutorial -> Potentiometer & Servo]
The knob tutorial describes connecting the servo to the 5V & Gnd of the arduino.

I was planning on attaching 2 or possibly more servo motors into the device, however it got me thinking since Servos are practically DC motors with a few extras, and the DC Motor tutorial of the arduino requires me to add a Mosfet (IRF520) otherwise Id end up with a nicely toasted arduino :stuck_out_tongue:

I trust the Servo tutorial (I have yet to try since I havent purchased a servo yet) but will I be required to add the mosfet circuit if I put 2-3 or more servos? (Assuming my arduino derivative behaves like the S3V3 - Arduino Single-Sided Serial)

Thanks in advance

since Servos are practically DC motors with a few extras,

One of the "extras" is a two wire (signal and GND), logic-level control via PPM, so no, you won't need a MOSFET, assuming that we're talking R/C servos here.

The PPM signal is a nominal repetition rate of 50Hz (20ms frame), with pulse width varying from 1 to 2ms to provide the position.

And to answer the question in the thread title, you can use up twelve servos if you enough digital pins free to connect them.

Yes they are R/C servos, the small ones that are about 28.0x14.0mm x 29.8mm in size

@ mem
Yay! Thanks!