I use an arduino derivative with an Atmega 8, Im quite sure it is somewhat similar to the single-sided serial board. So lets assume it has the same characteristics.
While reading some of the basics for the arduino I was interested in servo motor interface
[Knob tutorial -> Potentiometer & Servo]
The knob tutorial describes connecting the servo to the 5V & Gnd of the arduino.
I was planning on attaching 2 or possibly more servo motors into the device, however it got me thinking since Servos are practically DC motors with a few extras, and the DC Motor tutorial of the arduino requires me to add a Mosfet (IRF520) otherwise Id end up with a nicely toasted arduino
I trust the Servo tutorial (I have yet to try since I havent purchased a servo yet) but will I be required to add the mosfet circuit if I put 2-3 or more servos? (Assuming my arduino derivative behaves like the S3V3 - Arduino Single-Sided Serial)
Thanks in advance