How many winbond spi and eeprom i2c chips can be on a arduino board?

Hello I'm researching for a upcoming project in September looking around online trying to fingure how many devices can i put on a arduino board? I'm trying to add as many spi winbond chips and eeprom chips as i can to a arduino mega board. Im working on a old to new vintage storage project. I know i canngo with SD cards and USB host controller with a usb flash drive. But this is a vintage project.

I search around and what I'm finding is all over the place. Some sites about 120 i2c deviced as long as they have all unique addresses and for the spi devices now that is all over the place. Can someone help me out.


Your real problems may be where you don't think of. Please explain more about your project, timing requirements etc.

Hello DrDiettrich my project is mostly simple to add as many winbond chips as i can to a arduino mega. I didn't realize or forgot about the select pins that Delta_G was mentioning.

My project mostly is to build a old 8bit server to load as much data as i can and talk to my commador64.


You can put as many I2C devices as you have unique addresses for that particular chip. Some devices only come with one or two address options so you'd be stuck with those but it wouldn't be Arduino's fault.

As long as the I2C EEPROM chip has pins to set the address you can always hook up one of the address lines from each chip to an digital pin on the Arduino and use that kind of like the Chip Select pin on an SPI chip, although you'd be better off just using SPI chips in that case.

Hello yes SPI flash memory seems to be the best way to go. The only thing i wonder if the SS pin can it be any pin on the Mega2560 for a digital pin?


To be honest i only did one or two thing really spi one was the Ethernet and the other was a Display. Nothing such as flash memory on SPI. I have tried eeprom in the past not much of it.

No sorry i haven't. Can you show me what site page i can take a look at please?


Helpless no. A little confused on what i should be looking for sense i don't understand spi. I'm trying to learn but not sure what to look for in spi. Isnwhy I'm asking to be pointed in thebright direction. I see many spi things out there.


Here is the definitive Arduino SPI guide:

But say a bit more about the project. Are you intending to emulate a "mass" storage device that was available with this Commodore 64 such as a tape deck or floppy disk drive or how do you see the interconnection between your development and this Commodore ?

Here is someone struggling with adding SPI flash memory to an Arduino project, just to give you a taste of what to expect Winbond SPIFlash Writing - Reading Issue - Storage - Arduino Forum

hello 6v6gt Thank you for the head start there. As far as for Delta_G I'm not trying to pester anyone. I didn't know what you talking about when you say go read on this page. You said "SPI here at this site. " I have a hard time understanding people and things. I don't mean to pester anyone. Most of the time i need a push in the right direction. I get confused and a lot of times it doesn't make sense in my head. I do apologize for that. But to tell someone go learn something. Which every day i try to do as much leaning as Offends me because you don't know me you don't know the Struggles i go through and just need a little help. There are a lot of people who do pester others But I'm not one of them. If you look at a lot of my past post i do have a hard time understanding things i do need help to try to understand things.


OP: if you’re more of a paper based reader, I can recommend Jeremy Blum’s book “Exploring Arduino”. It covers all the basics of interfacing with the AVR family of processors and it has very good chapters on SPI and I2C. Once you understand the pros and cons of each interface, you can quickly decide which standard is the best choice for your specific project needs.

If a paper version isn’t important, you should be able to find it online as a pdf since it has been in print for some time.

Thank you wattsthat. I will look into that book.


Helpless no. A little confused on what i should be looking for sense i don't understand spi. I'm trying to learn but not sure what to look for in spi. Isnwhy I'm asking to be pointed in thebright direction. I see many spi things out there.

There is lots of stuff all of us don't understand.

If you don't understand SPI, why are you assuming it's the solution to your problem ?

You will probably get the best advice if you explain your project in a lot more detail, what it actually is and not what you think the solutions might be.

Thank you Mr grumpy man I mean Delta_G i needed that help to search for something like that too.

Hello Srnet i did explain my project. I'm trying to add as many Winbond chips to a Arduino mega and to be able to talk to my commodore 64 and store things in flash memory. The only thing i didn't know is how many winbond flash chips a Mega2560 can be used. I didn't realize or forgot about the SS Slave Select pin. that i need to assign that pin to each wnbond.

What on earth is a Wnbond flash chip?

Hello paul_b my fault i didn't see what I wrote when i said wnbond i ment winbond. Kinda hard typing from a small screen cellphone. I was on the road with my dad at his cancer doctors.

What on earth is a Winbond flash chip?

Winbond is a SPI flash memory chip. The Esp8266 uses it. Winbond uses a Nor flash i think they have F-Ram memory. There is also EEPROM memory. Winbond can have a lot of memory and cheap too.

Now people use it on arduino projects as well.

What on earth is a Winbond flash chip?

For example: