How should I (as a 15 yr old) begin to learn embedded engineering (Arduino)

I know the basics of programming (I do java), and know the bare basics of the arduino language (Which is in C if I'm not mistaken), like data types, loops, and functions (I know how to write classes in java but not in C).

I have come here today to ask what are the best book that teach embedded engineering (arduino). I would appreciate books that teach the C language and books that dive into the principles of electronics and microcontrollers.

The approach I've been taking so far was to read the arduino tutorial provided with the Mega2560 but all it does is give you code that uses libraries rather than showing what's going on behind the scenes which makes me feel like I'm genuinely not learning anything.

To sum it up how did you start arduino? Did starting the way you did help you? How would you recommend I start?

There is Arduino Cookkbook from Michael Margolis
or/and these tutorials from Patrick Hood Daniels to deal with what's under the hood of your Atmel uc:

Hi David,

embedded engineering (arduino).

OK, that means (I think) that you are talking about learning how to design arduino systems that use hardware such as Sensors and Actuators, and likely interact with humans in various ways. Right???

So you are taking on Electricity, Electronics, some mechanical aspects (Mechatronics) and then details of the objectives of the systems you design which may include various Physical Science stuff like Chemistry, Physics, Biology etc. That, fortunately, is often very interesting stuff to figure out.

Electronics and Code is the heart of all this. One excellent book on electronics is
Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery 2nd Edition

And my favorite that combines serious arduino C with electronics is
[Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition: Learn C Programming for the Arduino](http://"beginning C with arduino")
(disclaimer: I am the Technical Editor of the book)

Main thing is Get Going with Parts and Wires and sensors!

Ask questions here. Also a good reference (disclaimer..) is http://ArduinoInfo.Info In particular see things about Project Planning, like Arduino-Project-Planning-Electrical - ArduinoInfo

You will find this much more interesting than JustCode..

@terryking 228

Noted. Thank you so much for your suggestion. I greatly appreciate your help!

Best Regards

Hi David,

In addition to the above I found this site C Tutorial very helpful when I was learning C (Note Arduino uses C++, which is basically C with classes)

The approach I've been taking so far was to read the Arduino tutorial provided with the Mega2560 but all it does is give you code that uses libraries rather than showing what's going on behind the scenes which makes me feel like I'm genuinely not learning anything.

I agree with you! Although there's no right answer to this, some of the built in functions that come with Arduino make it a lot easier for beginners but they also hide what's really going on underneath. If you want to understand what the hardware is doing you need to download the data sheet for the particular micro-controller you are interested in and start playing with the hardware registers to see what they do.

Good luck.

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