Hey all,
total newbie here, i am planning a project to control my PC with an IR TV remote and have some questions about how to get the proper resistance on IR reciever and LED feedback light. I did not calculate such a thing since high school and as a proper eastern european education system... it was just on paper.
Because it is dirty cheap and i am not familiar with how this will actually work i purchased multiple IR reciever (2 p) and LED light (2 p), bare with me please, i will decide later on the go which configuration will be actually be used in the working setup. I will install component on a 5V output.
Soo for the IR reciever i have TL1838 and TSOP4838. Both of these datasheets show that you should operate it with a capacitor and resistor with given values. Should I follow these or get something close to it? Or just leave it out? As i seen on other peoples projects, lots of people just leaves out these from thier circuit. Is there any risk? Why should i consider it or why can i left it out?
For the LED i am pretty sure i should use one, but not sure exactly which would be safe.
- LED 1: 254VD1E-V1-1A
I have Forward Voltage 2V as the datasheet states and 25mA current. So if I have a 5V output than (5-2)/0,025=120 Ohm. I am safe to assume if i use 220 Ohm resistor i can use the circuit and have no problem? If I apply the current than i have 5V with 25mA, which means 0,125W so i should get at least a 1/4W rated resistor?
- LED2: BL-R4530
I have Forward Voltage 2.1V as the datasheet states and 30mA current. So if I have a 5V output than (5-2,1)/0,030=96Ohm. So 220 Ohm resistor with 1/4W power rating should do the trick too?
Am I missing something?