How to add another button state read to Mode Switch Manager?

Here is my sketch and i am trying to read another button state from another button .
but I can't make it work . How will I add another button state reading to the sketch?

#include <SwitchManager.h>
SwitchManager modeSW;  // create the object

const byte ModeSW = 2;//input from the Mode push button switch    
const int playPin = 7;
const int nextPin = 8;
int resetPin = 3;

void setup ()
  modeSW.begin (ModeSW, modeSwitchManager);
  pinMode(playPin, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(nextPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(resetPin, INPUT);


void loop ()



//                M O D E   S W I T C H   M A N A G E R
// function looks after the Mode switch functions
void modeSwitchManager (const byte newState, const unsigned long interval)
if (newState == HIGH)  //in this case ignor a switch release

     digitalWrite(playPin, LOW);
     digitalWrite(nextPin, LOW);


if (interval >=1000)
      int state = digitalRead(ModeSW);
    if (state == LOW)
      digitalWrite(playPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(playPin, LOW);
 int resetState = digitalRead(resetPin);
   if (resetState == HIGH)
     digitalWrite(nextPin, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(nextPin, LOW);
     digitalWrite(playPin, HIGH);
     digitalWrite(playPin, LOW);


}    }  //                  END of modeSwitchManager()
pinMode(ModeSW, INPUT);

possibly? why are you declaring your pins of different types? const byte vs const int vs int? just looks inconsistent and could be confusing from a readers point of view.

Why are you doing a digitalRead on ModeSW directly that's the job of the library.

Don't use the delay function. See blink without delay example.