How to burn the bootloader on a standalone atmega328p?

Hi all,

I have a USBtiny clone programmer and an Atmega328p blank chip.

I would like to burn the Arduino bootloader onto the Atmega but I can't find how to connect the chip to the programmer.

Can anyone advise?

Put the chip into a solderless breadboard.
Get a couple more components:
16 MHz xtal
two 22 pf caps
two 100nF caps
10K resistor.
inexpensive source with low shipping costs:

Wire the chip like a bare minimum Arduino:
xtal across the xtal pins, with 22 pF caps from xtral pins to gnd
10K from reset to +5
Vcc, AVCC to +5
Gnd to Gnd
100nF caps from VCC, AVCC to gnd.

Connect the programmer:
+5 to VCC, AVCC
Gnd to Gnd
Reset to Reset

In the IDE:
Select Tools:Board:Uno
Select Tools:Programmer: your programmer

Select Tools: Burn bootloader.

I think that covers it all.

If I burn the bootloader version where I do not require the chip to use external crystal then I can eliminate the need of the 22pF cap and the external 16Mhz crystal ? Is it necessary to pull up the RESET pin to HIGH(5V) ??

Yes. I do not know what board type that would be.

Reset recommended for more stable operation. See section 3 of attached.

AtmelAVR042 AVR Design Considerations.pdf (236 KB)

From the Arduino (older) Hardware page:

The initial design of the Arduino LilyPad had a 10-pin ICSP header and used the internal clock on the ATmega168 rather than an external oscillator. The bootloader on the initial design is the traditional NG bootloader.

So you could probably do something like make a new boards.txt entry for a '328 or '328P with appropriate fuse settings for internal oscillator.

I would like to burn the Arduino bootloader onto the Atmega but I can't find how to connect the chip to the programmer.

Thak you all, I will try this and let you know if anything