I have used several calibrating sketches and several acquisition sketches (raw data, etc) for the MPU-6050 and MPU-9250. No matter the calibration or demonstration sketch used, I cannot reach "90 degrees" when my board is at the proper angle. Neither the "X" nor the "Y" axis goes much beyond 75 - 80 degrees and, if they do, I have to exceed 90 degrees to attain that display.
I am certain that there are numerous readers of this forum who have encountered this issue and solved it, or who know what mistake I am making. Please help me to wrap my mind around this issue so I can reach a realistic zero to ninety-degree readout from this (these) device(s). If you have a data acquisition sketch that just works for either, or both, of these devices, I would love to have access to it.
Respectfully - Baran
Post the code, using code tags, and some example output, using quote tags. For instructions, please read the "How to use this forum" post.
Useful tutorial: How_to_Use_a_Three-Axis_Accelerometer_for_Tilt_Sensing-DFRobot
I know that I am doing something wrong, I just do not know what. I have used a couple of MPU-6050 chips and a couple of MPU-9250 chips with my Uno using standard I2C hookups. I have run calibration programs, as well, and adjusted the X, Y, Z offsets. No matter what, my X and Y readings zero out just fine but do not reach 90 degrees when turned vertical on either axis. The typical output is around 71-75 degrees. I CAN reach the upper 80's but I must exceed 90 degrees to do so.
Has anyone encountered this issue and solved it or does anyone just understand the solution to the issue I am having? If so, I would be most grateful if you would please post your suggestions.
Respectfully - Baran
Do not double post. Please continue with that thread, and post the code as requested.
Gosh . . . Sorry Man
I could not find my original post when I tried several days ago to search for it so I assumed it was deleted or I posted on another site. As I have yet to find it, I would not know there was a request for code, so please do not get your panties in an uproar. I teach college-age students for a living and would never speak to one of them in such a commanding fashion, but I try to remain somewhat humble and avoid acting privileged.
I could post my code but you have it. Everyone who has an Arduino platform has it in their "Examples" folder (if they have downloaded it) for the MPU-6050_DMP6 or MPU-6050_RAW sketches. I also have the Sparkfun code for the MPU-9250 and the Asukiiii and FaBo MPU-9250 sketch folders, as well.
I can generate and read data from all of these sketches but the common denominator is that my sensor(s) start at 0 degrees for the "X" and "Y" axis when the board is laid flat but when rotated along either axis, I fail to output 90 degrees when the board reaches perpendicularity.
I must assume that I am at fault somewhere along the process, as I am the common denominator. I was simply hoping that someone who had used one of these boards had come across a similar issue and was willing to share his or her experience. There is, unfortunately, no code to analyze or troubleshoot.