H there, can anyone give me a technique how to calibrate the 4 esc. i want all my esc turning at the same value.
my problem is there is some motor statr spi,ing befor other with same value
fo example
m1.writemicrseconde(600); // spin
m2.writemicrseconde(600); // not spining
m3.writemicrseconde(600); // not spining
m4.writemicrseconde(600);// not spii,ig
When you calibrate an ESC it uses full on and full off commands from transmitter(TX) or radio so each ESC will be calibrated to the same rate as dictated by your TX.
When one calibrates an ESC for say a quadcopter, car or plane. One connects a servo to an RX with power added and sticks at neutral. Once power is applied the ESC will let off some beeps signaling you move the throttle stick of your TX to full then another beep tells you when to drop it comepletely down. Then it beeps again when it's done. Now remove power and turn off TX. Your ESC will now be calibrated to run any motor.
Please DO NOT perform this action with a motor attached!!!! As It WILL damage you the motor and the ESC.
What exactly are you building? Multiwii Flight controller software has an added utility to the programming to calibrate up to 8 esc's at once. If your looking to do this using code I would check that first as might save you some steps and time.
Hope this helps.
All of That just calibrates the ESC, then you have to calibrate the transmitter to the esc's. All Transmitters are calibrated a lil differently with themselves meaning they are not perfect. But to fix that some one smarter than me added a point system to to transmitters that allows you to tune your transmitter to HAVE more perfect settings. They look like
1500 top most speed
0 neutral
-1500 reverse most speed.
But it's hard to get the controller there so you have to use a calibration software with your transmitter to change the points going back fourth from mid points to highs and lows and on all directions using the transmitters control sticks. Think of it like a more advanced trimming system. The closer you get to 1500 0 and -1500 the better control you will have and the less trim to even it out during use.
Thanks for all your replay :), first i'm building an experemental quadcopter from the scratch.
and i find how to calibrate. i have to power off the esc when i calibrate after i power them all.