I'm looking to limit the range of XBee Series 1 down to somthing like 2 - 3 meters. Is this at all possible? Reason being is that I need to create a simple P2P network based on proximity for an interactive art installation. So basically the different objects ( there are 9) will each have an arduino with code that will only run when receiving a certain letter. The letters are then transmitted via the XBees of the other objects. So each one will be sending a letter as well as have a piece of code to run. By limiting the range I can ensure that the code will only run when other objects are within close range and each will have it's unique ID.
Is this at all possible? Or is there a better way to do it? All other systems I have read about, like using Beacon and active RFID, or different sensors systems seem rather complicated.
My skill level is basic to intermediate: I've worked on quite a few arduino based art projects but nothing to complex.
yes i do need two way - each object in the installation runs a piece of code activated by the proximity of any other object, which in turn also runs a piece of code, etc.