I have a sketch "DS3231_Alarms_Temperature_RemoteControl" made for an rc5 Protocol Control and would like to use it with an NEC Protocol Control, like the KEYES (china) Controls, but I can't.
I've tried to make changes but nothing done; My knowledge is little, so I would like your help, please.
IR remote control consists of a sender (control) and receiver (tv set...). If you want to change the protocol, you have to change both ends. This requires that you have access to the source code of both devices.
The sketch is attached and was made for the rc5 protocol and I would like to use it with the NEC protocol. What's more, it does not use any IR remote control libraries.
I did all the decoding of the remote control.
I tried to replace, for example, all rc5 with nec, in code, but it didn't work.
@ johnwasser
Thank you for making all these libraries available here, but this is beyond my knowledge.
I don't know what to change or add to the sketch.
Actually, I'd like to use the sketch with the 'IRremote' library which, it seems to be one of the best or the best.
If you can give me a hint of what to change or add to the sketch, I really appreciate it.