Hello! I am currently working on a miniature electric vehicle (which will be controlled via an accelerator pedal connected to an Arduino connected to the vehicle).
I have a couple of questions:
How do I code for the Arduino to send electrical impulses of a specified voltage/amperage/frequency to the car? The magnitude requirements are very low (6-24mA, 5V, 60Hz). I just want to know how to code how to send impulses of that strength.
For the accelerator pedal, I would like to have it programmed so that pressing it down a certain amount sends an impulse of a certain strength to the vehicle. How would I do this? What specific pedal would I have to use, and how would I code for it to work that way?
I want to have the battery for the motor hooked in a parallel circuit to the main battery for the car (which controls the other functions of the vehicle). So when the key is turned to the crank position, it sends impulses to the engine so the car is "idling" at a set low rpm. How would this be connected on the breadboard?
Thank you in advance. Any help is greatly appreciated