I used an analog pin to collected sensor data. And I knew that the board is fast enough to allow me to collect sensor data more than 100Hz. My goal is to collect 100 samples per second, display it on serial monitor, and eventually save the data to a text file or csv file. (add time stamp as well).
Since I cannot control the running time of your loop, I came out with a solution to use "Timer.h". I
#include "Timer.h"
// Global variables
int vibdat[100]; // vibration 100 samples in one second
int count; // loop count
Timer t; // time event
void setup() {
//initialize serial
//Read 100 sample vibration data every second
void loop() {
void vibration()
// put 100 samples into vibdat[]
for (count=0;count<100;count++){
vibdat[count] = analogRead(A0);
// Serial print the 100 sample data
for (count = 0 ; count<100; count++){
I used a software called CoolTerm to add timestamp and save the serial output, I found that the in some second there are 160 data, some seconds there are less than 50 data. I can never get exactly 100 data per second.
Thanks! I get a lot of help from your code. I want to include some other codes in this loop, will this affect the sampling speed?
Yes. I have a clock that ticks off hundredths of a second. It works fine with a segmented LED display. However with an OLED (using either Adafruit's or the SSD1306Ascii library) it bogs down and the hundredths lags noticeably.
It depends on the exec duration of your other codes.
Even if you find it huge, it might be fine if there is no delay included.
Please also notice that millis_ref += 10; is more accurate than millis_ref = millis(); in the main loop.
This will allow to catch up time, in case of little lag due to your other codes.
At the end, you will have your 100 samples per second, even if time between some samples is greater than 10 ms.
If you want accurate 100Hz, use micros(), not millis(). Millis() has significant jitter.
If you want quartz crystal accuracy you'll need an Arduino board with a quartz crystal
for the clock - many do not have this (alas).