how to configure serial Tx only, hardware or AltSoftSerial

I would like to configure only a single serial pin for Tx out of the Tx Rx pair . Is there a member, or another way to allow something like:

AltSoftSerial mySerial(-1,NEOPIXPIN) ;  //(-1 for no Rx, and NEOPIXPIN for Tx only)

or something similar for hardware serial? I looked through github AltSoftSerial and did not see anything....

using a Teensy 3.2 and I only have Tx Pin 1 available. Interestingly, if I use hardware serial on pin one for Tx, I cannot get pin 0 to go entirely LOW(led hooked up to this, and no other pins available, on both sides of board)

BUT, if I use :

SoftwareSerial mySerial(-1, NEOPIXPIN);// allows for -1 pin(the Rx is not needed) only Tx used

this works fine. and there is no extra current output to light the LED on pin 0. However, I may possibly get a faster neopixel display on PIN 1 if I can configure output Tx pin on hardware or AltSoftSerial to function, and without a the Rx twin so I can keep PIN 0 LOW.......

any ideas? thoughts?


After Serial.begin(), you can disable the RX functionality by clearing the RXEN bit. Check out section 17.7 of the atmel datasheet. It will enable you to use the RX pin as normal I/O.

UCSR0B &= ~(1<<RXEN0)

excellent, thank you!