I would like to configure only a single serial pin for Tx out of the Tx Rx pair . Is there a member, or another way to allow something like:
AltSoftSerial mySerial(-1,NEOPIXPIN) ; //(-1 for no Rx, and NEOPIXPIN for Tx only)
or something similar for hardware serial? I looked through github AltSoftSerial and did not see anything....
using a Teensy 3.2 and I only have Tx Pin 1 available. Interestingly, if I use hardware serial on pin one for Tx, I cannot get pin 0 to go entirely LOW(led hooked up to this, and no other pins available, on both sides of board)
BUT, if I use :
SoftwareSerial mySerial(-1, NEOPIXPIN);// allows for -1 pin(the Rx is not needed) only Tx used
this works fine. and there is no extra current output to light the LED on pin 0. However, I may possibly get a faster neopixel display on PIN 1 if I can configure output Tx pin on hardware or AltSoftSerial to function, and without a the Rx twin so I can keep PIN 0 LOW.......
any ideas? thoughts?