How to configure two Xbee PRO with Arduino

I have to Xbee PRO Series 2 and I'd like to use them to let communicate my two Arduino UNO.

I want to use the Xbee API: GitHub - andrewrapp/xbee-arduino: Arduino library for communicating with XBee radios in API mode and so I'm trying to see how the samples work.

I configured the first Xbee as Coordinator with API and by setting the PANID and Api Mode to 2.
I did the same with the second one by setting Router with API, the same coordinator PANID and API Mode to 2.

Then, I uplaoded the Series2_TX and Series2_RX to my arduinos but I realized that my xbee modules are not able to communicate.

How i have to configure my modules?
Does I have to specify a destination address with XCTU?

Please do not crosspost.

Work out which language you want to ask in, and stick to it.

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On request from the OP, the other thread locked, this one unlocked.

Thanks Nick, this topic is even more detailed.
I hope Someone can help me.