How to connect a bluetooth keyboard to Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi and control it

Begginer question. Do I understand correctly that Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi has Bluetooth built in? Does that mean that I can connect a bluetooth device such as a keyboard and then steer the car - controlling the motors with keyboard?
What conditions have to be met? What bluetooth profiles does UNO R4 support? Does it have to be a bluetooth keyboard or can it be any other type of bluetooth remote control?
Can I connect with a smart phone bluetooth to UNO R4 WiFi and remote control the car?
I hope you can help me, I could only find online tutorials/information for older Arduinos.
Thank you.

Hi @bcadej

It has BLE ("Bluetooth Low Energy") support. It does not have support for classic Bluetooth.

If you would like to learn about using BLE on the UNO R4 WiFi, the documentation for the official "ArduinoBLE" library is here:

You can install "ArduinoBLE" via the Arduino IDE Library Manager. After you install the library, you'll find a collection of example sketches available under the File > Examples > ArduinoBLE menu in Arduino IDE.