Is the "Com Socket" on the Board the right place to program the GBoard or do I have to search for an other connector? When this is right: How do I have to connect the Com Socket on the board with the pins on the FTDI cable?
Iteadstudio--the manufacturer of the GBoard--recommend this part "Foca: A Tiny USB to UART Tool" for programming: but this is also "only" a UART Tool like the FTDI cable or isn't this right?
The only problem I see atm is: When I plug in the USB cable, then click upload, press reset on the board all works fine and the sketch is uploaded. But after a second trial uploading an other or modified sketch the IDE reports "Serial COM already in use". After unplugging the USB--waiting a moment--insert the plug again--it works fine. But I have to do unplugging. Any idea how to avoid this?
Do you have the Serial Monitor open or any other application connected to that serial port?
You need to close the Serial Monitor or disconnect from that serial port before you upload again.
Otherwise, avrdude from the previous upload may not have terminated properly and still have that port open.
Open Task Manager to see if you have any avrdude processes still hanging around after you finish the upload.
Thanks Louis, seems that it has really something to do with the serial monitor. Sketches without using the serial monitor are uploaded without any problem. Also auto reset is done and I do not have to press the reset button. But with use of the serial monitor something is problematic and I have to unplug and replug USB connection for uploading a new sketch. I tried to reinstall the FTDI driver but still the same (Win7 / Arduino IDE 1.0.4).
I have the same experience; Trying to interface a Gboard 1.0 to an UartSBee V4. My pinouts are as follows:
I understand the connection of GND, Rx & Tx crossed over. But what to do with CTS, DTR and VCC and VDD33?
If I remember this correctly, DTR stands for DataTerminalReady and CTS for ClearToSend. Therefore, if I assume the GBoard to be the "Data Terminal", then its DTR must be connected to the UartSBee's CTS, with activity on the DTR pin telling the UartSBee that it is OK (clear) to send data. Verification on this would be appreciated.