How to connect an LCD

So, I have the boarduino and an serial LCD from

There are three terminals, 5v, GND, and RX. Im assuming i would connect 5v to a 5v circuit and ground to the negative. But would i connect the RX to the RX on the boarduino or would i connect it to a normal digital pin.

On a standard Arduino you would connect to digital pins 0 and 1 which are the serial RX / TX pinns, this is probably the same on the Boarduino.

Rx of LCD to Tx of Boarduino

Since Tx of the Boarduino outputs serial UART data

So if i connect the lcd to the TX pin, then can i just use the Serial command to print to the LCD.

You also need to connect the grounds of the LCD and Boarduino, otherwise it wont work.