I am working on a bot that uses Deep Neural Networks to avoid obstacles.
I have some knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and Deep Neural Networks using the Python language.
I want to implement my knowledge on my Arduino UNO Rev3 board. According to some sources, I've read that my board is not capable of running advanced AI programs. So the solution that I came up with was that I would use the "StandardFirmata" on the Arduino Board and control it using Python (with Deep Neural Networks) via Bluetooth. The script would run on my PC and it would send commands and receive inputs from the Arduino board. But I ran into a problem when I found out that the Arduino board had to be quite close to the PC for it to receive and send commands smoothly. So I thought of using WiFi (ESP8266 WiFi) instead of Bluetooth Connectivity (HC-05). But I did not find any information on how to do that.
most of which, I suspect, is rather better than that in reply #2, which I'm pretty sure is suss.
For starters, it is most likely that , if you use ESP8266 or ESP32, they can do the whole job, and the Uno is redundant.
Secondly, ESPs are strictly 3.3v, and feeding them a 5v signal from Uno's Tx is likely to be fatal.
Thirdly, Uno is never famous for the power available from it's 3.3v pin, and ESPs are not particularly frugal, so you may well come to grief powering one from a Uno.
I'm not an expert on this but, if you really need to combine ESP with Arduino, there is some discussion here.
Thanks! About the Bluetooth part, my laptop is a Lenovo Thinkpad from 2016
And it is set up with a monitor cause its screen does not work and when I connect the Arduino board to the computer via BLE if I move the board from my table (40x100 cm) the commands that I send from my computer through python do not reach the board. I don't know why.