How to connect esp8266-01 to arduino IoT

please its my humble request that someone help me connecting my esp8266-01 or esp01 to arduino IoT platform. i am a beginner dont know anything about how to connect esp01 to arduino IoT .

Hello did you found a solution? Because i'm having the same problem connecting my esp01 wifi module to arduino IoT.

Using an ESP as a WiFi shield is unusual- few people here even attempt it. Why not simply use a board that has WiFi, like an ESP?

the WiFiEsp library has 487 stars on github. my newer WiFiEspAT has 167 stars, WiFiSpi has 54 stars. and only a very small part of users go to github and give a start

I'm totally newbie so i don't know much. I am dealing with a project in the course I attended and I'm trying to use the limited components in that course. I even got the ESP8266 ESP-01 by myself (with a very little knowledge and budget). In some of the videos i saw people using it for iot projects but with blynk so i thought maybe i can use it at arduino iot either. Some people said you can use it but where you choose your device in arduino Iot i couldn't find the name of my wifi module.

Back up to the beginning. What do you want to do?

Flower pot that can measure soil moisture, temperature and light. I want the values ​​to be displayed in an application.
-I'm using soil moisture sensor, DHT11 and LDR.

So, why do you need an Arduino and an ESP when an ESP can do all that by itself?

So can the Arduino Nano IOT, but I haven't ever worked with that board. My go-to ESP board is the Wemos D1 Mini.

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