How to Connect Pulse sensor data output with GSM shield

Hi guys.
I have a project which involves determining a heart rate of an individual and sending the heart rate output via sms using arduino code.

I have the Pulse Sensor Amped which is a plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino and Arduino compatibles. An arduno uno R3. And a GSM module.

Can anyone help me to send sensor data output via sms using arduino code?
So if I try to record my BPM, the data will send to my phone thru text.

The code for my project is attached and if anyone can edit it so that the sensor data willbe sent via sms with help of gsm

pulse_sensor.ino (10.4 KB)

Hi guys.
I have a project which involves determining a heart rate of an individual and sending the heart rate output via sms using arduino code.

Can anyone help me to send pulse sensor data output via sms using arduino code?
So if I try to record my pulse rate , the data will send to my phone thru text.

The code is attached

pulse_sensor.ino (10.4 KB)

Can anyone help me to send pulse sensor data output via sms using arduino code?

Not yet. Your requirements are too vague. Do you want to send a text message every time your heart beats? Once a minute? Once a week? When the rate exceeds 250?

If the rate exceeds 250, maybe you want to send the sms to someone else?

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In all seriousness, mostly everything I do revolves around interrupts and timing. I'm still looking at your code but straight away I see you're setting the interrupt to take a reading every 2ms and a lot of fancy print statements. Be aware that in 2 ms you can print 25 characters at 115200.

Two things.

First, be careful with statements like if(Signal < thresh && N > (IBI/5)*3), you never can be certain how the last bit gets sorted. Better take advantage of FREE parentheses -> if((Signal < thresh) && (N > ((IBI/5)*3))).

Second, the only output I can detect is to Serial or the LCD. There's no mention anywhere in your code about a GSM module nor even a reference to a library. Are you asking to have the GSM portion of your code written for you?