I have database sqlite. I send to information from sensors / arduino / raspebrry pi and write down to database.
I would like to get information from database and show to domotiga. How i can to connect domotiga with sqlite ?
If I have understood you correctly domotiga (whatever that is) is connected to the Pi.
If that is the case then why are you asking this question in an Arduino forum ?
If I have misunderstood then please explain in more detail how the Arduino is involved with domotiga.
domotiga is open source homeautomation system .... etc etc
Am I being unreasonable in expecting the OP to give this information to the Forum rather than the Forum (through your kindness) giving that information to the OP ???
Hi, if OP is going to be that brief, then I'd better do some R&D this end to see if its worth me and others offering any advice and or wasting our time.