How to control something at a specific time?

I have my arduino and a RTC module but im completely in the dark about how to control something at certain times of the day???

Ie: turn on a light at 8am and turn it off at 10 pm using the RTC module?

Ive had a look at the time,date lib but all that seems to do is use the onboard clock.

Any ideas where to look?????


How about the RTC modules documentation?

Didnt come with any lol.

Just the board and the packaging. Its similar to the spark fun unit

Whitch RTC IC is the module based on?

Maybee you can find a datasheet for the IC and work from there ?

The sparkfun site says the clock uses the DS1307 rtc module

You can find all kind of information doing a search on google for: DS1307 arduino

Did you try that before posting :wink:

This is my play code, which you will be able to tell I`m no programmer.
But it works !!!

Forget about the knight bit , thats just running light to control.

#include <Wire.h>
long clock_delay = 0;
char bcd_string[]="12:34:56";
char clock_string[]="??:??:??";
int rtc_address = B1101000;
int io_address =  B100001;
int rtc_bcd[7];
boolean alarm_set[3];
int alarm_on[3][3];
int alarm_off[3][3];
int state=0;

boolean knight_run = false;
long knight_time = 0;
int knight_delay = 50;
int x = 0;
boolean forward = true;
int ledPin = 12;

void setup()
  Wire.begin();        // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
  Serial.begin(9600);  // start serial for output
//  start_ball(); // set the rtc arrary , not needed now I have a battery
//  clock_save();
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
    alarm_set[0] = true;   
    set_alarm(0 , true ,  "16:00:00");
    set_alarm(0 , false , "16:30:00");
    alarm_set[1] = true;   
    set_alarm(1 , true ,  "17:00:00");
    set_alarm(1 , false , "17:30:00");

    alarm_set[2] = true;   
    set_alarm(2 , true ,  "18:00:00");
    set_alarm(2 , false , "18:30:00");
    Serial.print ("Bytes of available Memory = ");   
    Serial.println (availableMemory(), DEC);

void loop()
 if (strcmp(bcd_string , clock_string) != 0)
  //  Serial.println(clock_string);
    strcpy(clock_string , bcd_string);
 if ( millis() >= knight_time )
 knight_time = millis() + knight_delay;
if ( knight_run == true ) knight();
  x = read_io(1);
  if ( x != state and x != 0) 
  switch (x)
  case 1:
  knight_delay++ ;
  case 2:
  knight_delay-- ;
  case 4:
  knight_delay = 50;
  case 8:
   if ( x == 0 ) state = 0;  
} // end of loop

void clock_save()
  Wire.beginTransmission(rtc_address); Wire.send(0x00); // reset register pointer
  for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { Wire.send(rtc_bcd[i]);} Wire.endTransmission();

void clock_read()
  Wire.send(0x00); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(rtc_address, 7);
  for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { rtc_bcd[i]=Wire.receive();}

void start_ball()
  rtc_bcd[0]=B00000000;    // Second  -- 0 --
  rtc_bcd[1]=B01000101;    // Minites -- 45 --
  rtc_bcd[2]=B00001010;    // Hours -- 2 --
  rtc_bcd[3]=B00000001;    // Sunday  1 , Monday  2 , Tuesday  3 etc in BCD -- Saturday -- 7 --
  rtc_bcd[4]=B00000001;    // Date  -- 1 --
  rtc_bcd[5]=B00000001;    // Month -- 1 --
  rtc_bcd[6]=B00000001;    // Year  -- 1 --
}  // end of start_ball

void string2bcd()
  rtc_bcd[2] = (bcd_string[1]-48) + (bcd_string[0]-48 << 4); //hours   12:12:12
  rtc_bcd[1] = (bcd_string[4]-48) + (bcd_string[3]-48 << 4); //mins
  rtc_bcd[0] = (bcd_string[7]-48) + (bcd_string[6]-48 << 4); //sec
} // end of string2bcd

void bcd2string()
  int rtc_dec = 0 ;int j = 0 ;int i = 2 ;
  rtc_dec = (( rtc_bcd[i] & B0111000) >> 4) * 10 + (rtc_bcd[i] & B00001111); // hours 2 , mins 1 , sec 0 
  if ( rtc_dec <= 10 ) bcd_string[j] = 48;
  bcd_string[j]=(rtc_dec / 10 )+48;
  j++,bcd_string[j]=(rtc_dec % 10)+48,j++,bcd_string[j] = 58,i--, j++ ;
  rtc_dec = (( rtc_bcd[i] & B1111000) >> 4) * 10 + (rtc_bcd[i] & B00001111); // hours 2 , mins 1 , sec 0 
  if ( rtc_dec <= 10 ) bcd_string[j] = 48;
  bcd_string[j] = (rtc_dec / 10 )+48;j++;bcd_string[j]=(rtc_dec % 10)+48;j++;bcd_string[j] = 58,i--, j++ ;
  rtc_dec = (( rtc_bcd[i] & B1111000) >> 4) * 10 + (rtc_bcd[i] & B00001111); // hours 2 , mins 1 , sec 0 
  if ( rtc_dec <= 10 ) bcd_string[j] = 48;
  bcd_string[j] = (rtc_dec / 10 )+48;j++;bcd_string[j]=(rtc_dec % 10)+48; 
} // end of bcd2string

int availableMemory() {
  int size = 1024;
  byte *buf;
  while ((buf = (byte *) malloc(--size)) == NULL);
  return size;

void int_alarm()
  strcpy(bcd_string , "12:00:00");
  for(int j=0; j<3; j++)  {
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++)  {
  alarm_on[i][j] = rtc_bcd[i];
  alarm_off[i][j] = rtc_bcd[i];
} alarm_set[j] = false; }
} // end of int_alarm

void display_alarms(int j) // 0 1 2
  { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) rtc_bcd[i] = alarm_on[i][j];
  Serial.print("Alarm "),Serial.print(j,DEC);
  if ( alarm_set[j] == true ) { Serial.print(" - on  - "); } else { Serial.print(" - off - "); }
  Serial.print("Alarm on time ");
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) rtc_bcd[i] = alarm_off[i][j];
  Serial.print(" - Alarm off time ");
} // end of display_alarm

void check_alarms()
  { clock_read(); bcd2string(); strcpy(clock_string , bcd_string);
  for(int j=0; j<3; j++) 
  { if ( alarm_set[j] == true )  {   
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { rtc_bcd[i] = alarm_on[i][j] ; }
  if (strcmp ( bcd_string , clock_string ) == 0)     alarm_trigger_on(j);    
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { rtc_bcd[i] = alarm_off[i][j] ; }
  if (strcmp ( bcd_string , clock_string ) == 0)     alarm_trigger_off(j);  
}}} //end of check_alarm

void set_alarm(int alarm , boolean on_alarm , char alarm_time[] )
  {  strcpy(bcd_string , alarm_time); string2bcd();
  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) 
  { if ( on_alarm ==  true )  {  alarm_on[i][alarm] = rtc_bcd[i]; 
  } else { alarm_off[i][alarm] = rtc_bcd[i];
}}   }// alarm_set[alarm] = true; }  // end of set_alarm

void alarm_trigger_on(int alarm)
//  switch (alarm)   {
//    case 0:
//    do something when var == 1
//    break;
//    break is optional
//    case 1:
//    do something when var == 2
      knight_run = true;
//    break;
//    case 2:
//    do something when var == 2
//    break;

void alarm_trigger_off(int alarm)
//      switch (alarm)   {
//      case 0:
//      do something when var == 1
//      break;
//      case 1:
//      do something when var == 2
        knight_run = false;
//      break;
//      case 2:
//      do something when var == 2
//      break;

void io_int()
  do   {   
  x = read_io(6),write_io(6,0); 
  }    while  ( x != 0 );
  do   {
  x = read_io(6),write_io(6,255);
  } while ( x != 255 );
  do  {
  x = read_io(6);
  write_io(6,0),write_io(7,255); // all outputs / all inputs
  } while ( x != 0 );
} // end of int_io

int read_io(int cmd_reg)
int tmp;  
Wire.send(cmd_reg); // 0 or 1 -- GP0 or GP1
Wire.requestFrom(io_address, 1);
return tmp;
}  // end of read_io

void write_io(int cmd_reg, int push_this)
  Wire.send(cmd_reg),Wire.send(push_this); // reset register pointer then set GP0 to push_this // use (0,??)
} // end of write_io

void knight()
x = read_io(0);
if (forward == true)
   if ( x == B10000000 )
     // forward = true & x = B10000000
     forward= false;
     digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); 
   // forward = true & x not B10000000 
    x = x << 1;
   if ( x == B00000001 )
     // forward = false & x = B00000001
     digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); 
     // forward = false & x not B10000000 
     x = x >> 1;
} // end of knight

Thanks for your help guys i managed to get something together which is now working great!!