How to deal with incompatibilities of the SAMD21 based boards?

Dear Developers,

How can we join forces to deal with the fact that many of the Arduino libraries out there are not compatible with the new Arduino Zero? We have just launched the Autonomo on Kickstarter and the Neutrino was also succesfully funded on Kickstarter. This means that there are now at least 5 boards that use the Arduino platform with the same microcontroller out there:

Arduino Zero
Arduino M0 Pro
Arduino M0
SODAQ Autonomo

We are working hard to get our demo applications working with the new platform, but how will we be dealing with the thousands of libraries and pieces of code that have been written for the Arduino Uno, to be ported?

It is an amazing platform that really deserves to become the successor to the Arduino Uno, but before this will happen library compatibility should be ensured.

Any thoughts?

Jan Willem Smeenk and the SODAQ Team