How to decide acceleration in Accelstepper stepper library

I had some issue with old profile so made a new profile (dsbros).
@weldsmith I am using TMC2100 driver.

How are you measuring the speed to verify that it is not going as fast and is it drastically slower when using acceleration?
-I don't have any tool but Visually you can make out the difference is high.


Post your latest code with your slower speeds and accel rate.


// ConstantSpeed.pde
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Shows how to run AccelStepper in the simplest,
// fixed speed mode with no accelerations
/// \author  Mike McCauley (
// Copyright (C) 2009 Mike McCauley
// $Id: ConstantSpeed.pde,v 1.1 2011/01/05 01:51:01 mikem Exp mikem $

#include <AccelStepper.h>

AccelStepper stepper(1, 12, 13);

void setup()
   stepper.setAcceleration(4000); // I tired greater value also, any value greater than 3500 speed is //constant 
   pinMode(16, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // If at the end of travel go to the other end
    if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0)

I just got back from vacation and saw your reply. Your code does not make a lot of sense. I am interested in how far you are rotating the Motor.



How was your vacation?
Same here :slight_smile: I was on vacation.
Do you mean maximum distance to which motor will travel?

  • 375mm

I am looking for how many degrees of rotation.