How to define 2 IR LED Transmitter in one arduino mega

Continuing the discussion from IR Receiver Library:

Hi everyone, i have a question. Can i define which pin i put my IR LED transmitter is? I put my IR LED transmitter on pin 9 Arduino MEGA now. Because based in this github description (GitHub - juanfra684/github-SensorsIot-Arduino-IRremote: Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols) said thatArduino MEGA has pin 5, 6, 9, 11, 46 as send pin.

Can I use 2 send pin to put 2 IR LED transmitter?

For example, can i use pin 9 and pin 5 to connect two of my IR LED transmitter? how should i define em?

Update guys!

I found this pin define in IRLib Hardware Library, Can i enable two pin?

Hi @creativelogy

That is not a pin define, but rather a timer definition. Only one of those should be uncommented.

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