How does one delete a library from the IDE?
How does one delete a library from the IDE?
Delete all the source files and the folder they are in.
The IDE doesn't have libraries. The core libraries are delivered along with the IDE. You should not be deleting them. You may want them someday. They do not affect the size of your code unless you use them.
Libraries you downloaded are a different story. They are simply source files in your libraries folder. Those you can delete.
I mistakenly added a custom library to the IDE using the Menu:
Sketch/Include Library/Add Zip Library...
So now the library shows up in the Manage Library list when the IDE Menu is used:
Sketch/Include Library/Manage Libraries...
I have changed the name of the directory and zip files in which the code appears. That does not remove the name of the entity from the Library list.
Does anybody know how to remove an Added Library?
Thanks. After searching both hard drives I found that when Added a new Library it copied the entire directory from the d:\Sources\Arduino directory to the d:\Sources\Arduino\Libraries directory. Not what I expected, but the comment above about deleting the sources and directory didn't mention that I should delete them from the Arduino\Libraries directory.
So Problem Solved.
Hey, I read this and wanted to know how do I delete unused libraries in the IDE???