How to disable this awful new "Real Time Display Post" feature?

How to totally disable this awful new "Real Time Display Post without page" dynamic loading feature?
it litters me and my PC with page reload. the whole History is in the trash. Impossible to read forum offline. Evrey new small scroll page generates new instance of connection, of record in History, etc!

or may be how to display old version of site?

There is no "old version"

What you have is what you get from here on out.
I would love to see the paginated version back but I doubt that will happen.

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sure we will never see paginated version more.
but with this new version need to resolve 2 issue

  1. how to disable "continuously loading" page cos this method littered my whole computer with all sorts of garbage

  2. how to jump from start to the middle of the thread for example

  3. now issue 3 why I dont have this menu / notifications /badges/etc as on screenshot?? FF v70 (screenshot in the post 13)

You can see the total number of replies; e.g. at the right 1/3

You can use the url to jump to a specific post. It's a bit primitive but does work.

Tested with Firefox 87.0 on Win10

Or you can grab the wonky slider with the double headed arrow when your mouse is over it and slide it to approximately the middle.

Then hope for the best LOL

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@Ballscrewbob, there is no slider when visiting a thread using a cell phone :wink: Or I need new glasses :frowning:

You dont get that wonky bar ?

2021-04-17 at 07-47-11

Turn of the evil Javascript and enjoy paginated viewing!
It really amazed me: is totally WHITE with JS disabled, but the forum actually performs BETTER without! Only cumbersome thing without JS is that there is no link to go to the last page, which is really frustrating for 100+ reply topics.
Try NoScript add-on, as that lets you block JS just for the forum.


No, not in Chrome on Android.

Doing so may give you a semi paginated look but also disables a lot of other functions.
That renders it useless here.

I don't own a phone that is smart enough to use the Internet on, but I can get the compact thread progress indicator I've seen in screenshots people have shared from their mobiles by making the browser window small:


If I click on that thing, then I get a pane with the normal slider and also a "jump to..." button that opens a dialog allowing you to jump to a specific post number (though it's probably easier to just hack the URL for that) or to a specific date.


Do you get that pane on mobile if you double tap (or whatever the UI is), on the thread progress bar?

Got it :+1:

I get the slider when i tap image

Next scroll with slider and when you get where you want to be, release the slider.

ok issue 2 resolved by link/side scroll/etc..
issue 1 need to try with disable JS....

now issue 3 why I dont have this menu / notifications /badges/etc as on screenshot?? FF v 70


I tried turn off JS by different addons for FF - no lucky :frowning:

its still continue refresh them self page and clogs the whole History with the identical links :((

Playing with JS may have unforeseen consequences.

sure, but I want to stop it clogging my History

From what I know, you definitely should. I do remember seeing some reports of people having problems with the top bar in this thread:

but it might be difficult to find (though the topic search is pretty good).
There is also a dedicated topic that looks related here:

I don't know if those were about the exact problem you're having. The truth is I haven't paid a lot of attention to that specific problem yet because it seems to be more in the website domain, in which I don't have any qualifications whatsoever.

It's not clear to me, have you made any modifications like shutting of JavaScript or disabling elements of the website before having this problem, or are you only doing that now to try to fix the problem?

@pert thanks for tossin that in the correct pile.

-jim lee

first of all
what the problem we are talking about :slight_smile:
issue 3 or issue 1 ? (post#3)

but for both issues will be the next answer - I didnt make some modifications. at all. default settings of FFv70. and win7.
issue 1) when scroll page down for each next post(answer) it (site) generate new instances of http request/loading data/generate new item in History/etc..
I have tried to disable JS but didnt hellped me. So now JS is enabled

issue 3) I dont know how to fix/to check.. so just doesnt work for me as on screenshot above (with JS enabled)

I know this is a very basic answer but it cleared a couple of issues when I was playing with ad blockers in the new forum but have you cleared your cache and cookies etc and turned off ant other extensions you have in your browser.

You seem to be having more issues than anyone else so I suspect a user environment issue.
