How to display Values in ASCII

i'd like to Display an Array of unsigned char on my LCD Display in ASCII. Is it possible.
my Code

int* RFID::Get_Extended_Version() {
  Senden(EV_Nutzbytesanzahl, EV_Nutzbyte1, EV_Nutzbyte2);
  if (Fehlerbehandlung(EV_Empfangsbyteslaenge) == (-1))
    return NULL;
  else {
    LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 7);
    lcd.begin(16, 2);
    static int EV_Array[43];
    p = Empfangen(EV_Empfangsbyteslaenge);
    for (int i=9; i<EV_Empfangsbyteslaenge-3; i++){
    return EV_Array;
  if (Empfangen(HW_SW_Empfangsbyteslaenge) == 2)return NULL;

i want to print These values (from the Serial.write()) on my Display

100001377       GWR0VSNO0011948

thx for your Help

Sorry, but "Display ... unsigned char ... in ASCII" really doesn't mean much, and I say that without looking at your code because you need first to explain what you really mean! :astonished:

ASCII is a set of characters representing 7-bit values - not 8-bit, and some are reserved as non-printable control codes.

Unsigned char are 16-bit values. How do you imagine actually representing one as the other? Only if you can explain that can we start to deal with code. :roll_eyes:

i just want to print the value on the lcd Screen like Serial.write() do and not Serial.print()