Anybody please help us to implement the siftables using this arduino dueminalove . actually we need to know can we power it up in a cheaper way to transmit the values to adjacent arduino dueminalove kits? [ we are using 5 arduino dueminalove kits along with LCD displays,so we need to have communication among can we acheive that] 3. can we achieve all mathematical manipulations using this..??
First, Siftables probably took a lot of time and research to materialize, so you need to take some time to analyse and understand the idea behind it. It is possible to do SOMETHING SIMILAR to that with the arduino but i don't think you can make an exact replica.
how can we power it up in a cheaper way
smaller batteries like the ones used for calculators perhaps a few of those to transmit the values to adjacent arduino dueminalove kits?
[ we are using 5 arduino dueminalove kits along with LCD displays,so we need to have communication among can we acheive that]
Zigbee / RF
can we achieve all mathematical manipulations using this..??
I presume you are talking about being able to add numbers? or other calculations like in the siftables video. If so, yes it is possible.
Finally, this is something that requires a lot of patient study... so give it some time and a lot of research. Do let us know how it goes.
I think that the way siftables do "proximity detection" and commnications, they are unlikely to be doing RF communications with something like zigbee. Perhaps a small infrared LED and receiver on each side would be sufficient for short-range low-rate communications (and a lot simpler than zigbee too.)
does it need any extra harware elements to provide communication btw the other arduino dueminalove..??
we need to do all mathematical calculations not only addition,but it shud also support subtraction ,mutiplication and division...n it wud be more efficient if it can find the sin cos tan vlaues etc......we are not insisting on moving the arduino dueminalove....rather we need a way that each arduino can increment corresponding values when we knock it .......means i had read the knock operation using the peizo such that it cud sense a buzz or knock nearby, by adopting it while knocking we wud like to increment the that possible..??
Suppose we want to do 1 + 2 = 3 and we are using 5 arduino dueminaloves for each operands and we need to give values to each arduino dueminalove...,like value '1' to the 1st arduino, '+' to the next, '2' to the third, '=' to the fourth and '3' to the fifth/last arduino dueminalove.....
is it possible?? how can we give the corresponding values to the respective arduinos ........ can we achieve that thru program code...??
how does it understand that after value 1 the right next arduino must have the operand '+' itself......
also the 1st,3rd and 5th arduino will be having the numerals....we need to have provision for incrementing these values thru knocking.....the 2nd must posses the operands like +,-,*,/ etc......n change each operand by knocking.... is that possible.....
in the actual siftables they are moving each siftables here n there..........we does not insist on on using this we just need to find a way to change numerals on a buzz or knock.....
also is it necessary to provide transmitter and reciever for each arduino ...??
I think that the way siftables do "proximity detection" and commnications, they are unlikely to be doing RF communications with something like zigbee. Perhaps a small infrared LED and receiver on each side would be sufficient for short-range low-rate communications (and a lot simpler than zigbee too.)
I thought of that as well... but there is more to it like moving around blocks in the air where IR might be challenging(I'm talking of line of sight). Especially there is this interesting demo of mixing colors by pouring them... where colors are poured by tilting blocks... perhaps i'm wrong as well...
You need to think about a concept common in computer networking called "layering." In programming, it's called "bottom up" or "top down" design. That means you should either start with what you want to do at a high level (add numbers) and figure out what primitive functions you need to accomplish those features, or you can start with "how do I get these blocks to communicate with each other and what information should they pass" and then figure out what sort of features you can implement using those primitives.
I don't know anything about "siftables" other than what I got from looking at their website for a couple of minutes.
OTOH, my son owns a somewhat similar toy consisting of four blocks with magnetic metal contacts on each side. They each show a letter on a B&W LCD display, and you're supposed to arrange them into the correct word.
Arduinos should be capable of doing some things similar to either of these, probably. It's not a small project! Arduino is NOT particularly good at driving high-res (say, anything over 8x8) color displays, however...
we need to know whether there is a provision to implement the code such that '1' is for the first board , '+' for the 2nd etc so on.....
and while using receiver and transmitter like A315 can we achieve communication btw them....??
actually now we are having 5 arduino dueminalove kits n now we are going to connect it to the computer using 2 -port hubs,n by giving the code we r trying to implement it....
So our doubt is that how can we transfer the data from one kit to the next and so can we program it..
do we need to do separate programs...for each arduino dueminalove......
Thanking you for your sincere n quick response .......
do we need to do separate programs...for each arduino dueminalove......
Most certainly.
This will require code. A multi-nodal network stack would likely need to be used... I imagine that one of the protocols used for RS485 networks might be a good starting point.
We tried to connect an 2*16 LCD display to the arduino duemilanove kit,without using a potentiometer.The third pin of LCD display ,ie is the V0 pin was left unconnected. We also tried connecting the pin to 5v. But nothing happened in both cases. So what shud we do now to see the display.
We are now trying to implement the Hello World program....we loaded it succecfully in the kit.
And to power it up we are using only the USB conection. No external power is used as it is wriiten in the manual.
:).........Anyhow the LCD display is powered on now.......but it didnt display anything. we uploaded the program Hello,world...which is given in the site...
Just in case it helps, on the website it says "Each Siftable has a color OLED screen, four infrared communication modules – one in each direction in the horizontal plane – a 3-axis accelerometer, and a Bluetooth radio."
we are trying to implement Siftables Equation Editor using 5 arduino duemilanove kits + 5 lcd displays... also 3 piezo buzzers...
means we have to get an equation like.. 1 + 2 = 3 for that we need to have 5 modules ...........hence we bought it .......
n Now we could do maths operations using wired communication using arduino duemilanove... but now there comes a delay in transmission from the 2nd module to the 3rd one..... except this one every other tranmission is working correctly without any delay.........can anybody help to solve this out........
also we are now usin USB cables to power it up........but it needs a computer ...........
So we would like to know how can we power it up without using the USB.......... Can we make use of rechargable batteries for each module.......please help us to know abt it.......
we need to know.....what shud be voltage of the battery......we also need to can we connect them to the arduino duemilanove.....
Yes, you can use batteries. The voltage needs to be about 7 volts, if the voltage is fed in through the 2.1 mm jack, although I've been successful using 4AA batteries.
but now there comes a delay in transmission from the 2nd module to the 3rd one..... except this one every other tranmission is working correctly without any delay.........can anybody help to solve this out........
Without seeing any code, there might be quite a delay.
how can we implement IR transmission among these arduino duemilanoves ......what all shud we need to do it......can anybody please help us to know abt the library functions that is available to use in the code n also the connections n al.......??
actually we achieved to implement it to a small extent......and this forum helped us do it....thanks alot for all your immediate response and replies...