How to do the calibration program of Atlas conductivity sensor with Arduino?

Here is my code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>                           //we have to include the SoftwareSerial library, or else we can't use it
#define rx 2                                          //define what pin rx is going to be
#define tx 3                                          //define what pin tx is going to be
SoftwareSerial myserial(rx, tx);                      //define how the soft serial port is going to work

String inputstring = "";                              //a string to hold incoming data from the PC
String sensorstring = "";                             //a string to hold the data from the Atlas Scientific product
boolean input_string_complete = false;                //have we received all the data from the PC
boolean sensor_string_complete = false;               //have we received all the data from the Atlas Scientific product

void setup() {                                        //set up the hardware
  Serial.begin(9600);                                 //set baud rate for the hardware serial port_0 to 9600
  myserial.begin(38400);                               //set baud rate for the software serial port to 9600
  inputstring.reserve(10);                            //set aside some bytes for receiving data from the PC
  sensorstring.reserve(30);                           //set aside some bytes for receiving data from Atlas Scientific product

void serialEvent() {                                  //if the hardware serial port_0 receives a char
  inputstring = Serial.readStringUntil(13);           //read the string until we see a <CR>
  input_string_complete = true;                       //set the flag used to tell if we have received a completed string from the PC


void loop() {                                         //here we go...

  if (input_string_complete) {                        //if a string from the PC has been received in its entirety
    myserial.print(inputstring);                      //send that string to the Atlas Scientific product
    myserial.print('\r');                             //add a <CR> to the end of the string
    inputstring = "";                                 //clear the string
    input_string_complete = false;                    //reset the flag used to tell if we have received a completed string from the PC

  if (myserial.available() > 0) {                     //if we see that the Atlas Scientific product has sent a character
    char inchar = (char);              //get the char we just received
    sensorstring += inchar;                           //add the char to the var called sensorstring
    if (inchar == '\r') {                             //if the incoming character is a <CR>
      sensor_string_complete = true;                  //set the flag

  if (sensor_string_complete == true) {               //if a string from the Atlas Scientific product has been received in its entirety
    if (isdigit(sensorstring[0]) == false) {          //if the first character in the string is a digit
      Serial.println(sensorstring);                   //send that string to the PC's serial monitor
    else                                              //if the first character in the string is NOT a digit
    print_EC_data();                                //then call this function 
    sensorstring = "";                                //clear the string
    sensor_string_complete = false;                   //reset the flag used to tell if we have received a completed string from the Atlas Scientific product

void print_EC_data(void) {                            //this function will pars the string  

  char sensorstring_array[30];                        //we make a char array
  char *EC;                                           //char pointer used in string parsing
  char *TDS;                                          //char pointer used in string parsing
  char *SAL;                                          //char pointer used in string parsing
  char *GRAV;                                         //char pointer used in string parsing
  float f_ec;                                         //used to hold a floating point number that is the EC
  sensorstring.toCharArray(sensorstring_array, 30);   //convert the string to a char array 
  EC = strtok(sensorstring_array, ",");               //let's pars the array at each comma
  TDS = strtok(NULL, ",");                            //let's pars the array at each comma
  SAL = strtok(NULL, ",");                            //let's pars the array at each comma
  GRAV = strtok(NULL, ",");                           //let's pars the array at each comma

  Serial.print("EC:");                                //we now print each value we parsed separately
  Serial.println(EC);                                 //this is the EC value

  Serial.print("TDS:");                               //we now print each value we parsed separately
  Serial.println(TDS);                                //this is the TDS value

  Serial.print("SAL:");                               //we now print each value we parsed separately
  Serial.println(SAL);                                //this is the salinity value

  Serial.print("GRAV:");                              //we now print each value we parsed separately
  Serial.println(GRAV);                               //this is the specific gravity
  Serial.println();                                   //this just makes the output easier to read
//f_ec= atof(EC);                                     //uncomment this line to convert the char to a float


Do you have a question ?


I have to do 1) Dry calibration
2) High side calibration
3) Low side calibration

I dont know where in this program I can add the command for them.

Can you pls help me?

Can you pls help me?

Sure. Please is NOT spelled pls.

UNless you provide a link to the sensor you are asking about, don't expect help.

The sensor is Atlas scientific E.C circuit 3.0

The sensor is Atlas scientific E.C circuit 3.0

Well, lovely. Unfortunately, your "link" doesn't work. I'm too lazy to google that for you.

And my sensor type is K1.0

After reading that, I fail to see what your problem is. The calibration instructions are quite clear.

Thank you

I thought I have to do more programming for calibration.

There are calibration problems with Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Sensor. Many threads and discussions have been made but there seems to be no solution. (Need help to get data from EZO Dissolved Oxygen Circuit - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum)

Made a mistake buying Atlas DO Sensor, since there are better sensors already availble