I started electronics quite recently and I am having so much fun! Yesterday, I decided to convert a poorly working solar powered LED garland to a battery operated, Zigbee driven garland!
Thanks to the ESP32-H2, the Zigbee part was a breeze but when I hooked my relay to the garland, I realized that only half of the lights were on. After some investigation, half of the LEDs are connected using one polarity, and the other the other polarity. I guess, it's a way to allow "light animations" using polarity switch. Why not after all.
However, I am having trouble figuring how to have all the lights turned on at once. I got the impression that I have to create a -3V / +3V square wave but I have no idea how to do it. My reseach shows that I cannot do this with an arduino only (can't I really?) and I am looking for a "not too complicated" way of driving these LED.
You would generate the +/- voltage with a H-bridge circuit.
However, I'm almost 100% certain that there is no off-the-shelf module/board that will work at 3V.
You may be able to build something with a few ICs, resistors and capacitors on a breadboard if that is the way you want to go.
I want to drive these LEDs. Whether it takes a custom PCB or not is not really an issue thanks to our favorite Youtube sponsors (aka PCBWay) but first I need to understand how it works so I can recreate it.
Do you know what are the components in the pictures and what they do?
No but I'm sure that U2 or U3 is a custom IC for doing all the LED functions, that's why it looks so simple.
I'm not going to design a circuit for you maybe someone else would be willing