How to fetch multi rows from spreadsheet

is there any code to fetch data from multi rows of google spreadsheet?


See: Basic Reading  |  Google Sheets  |  Google Developers

I am using esp8266 is there any code to test for esp8266 and script side on spreadsheet

File -> Examples -> ESP8266HTTPClient -> BasicHttpsClient

Just change the URL in:
if (https.begin(*client, "")) { // HTTPS

you will also need a 'fingerprint' from the server ( You can find fingerprints in the security certificate.

SHA-256 Fingerprint
E3 A5 6B 0E 41 F5 35 BC DF 3E 67 A0 A1 1C 47 B5 69 74 CE 9F D8 A8 BE 60 8D 2C AE CC 5B 97 13 10

SHA-1 Fingerprint
E8 C1 6E 34 49 93 E9 5A B3 61 37 6C 69 9A F4 04 A6 72 CD 25

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